Examining the Potential Ban on Desecration of Holy Quran and Its Impact on Sweden’s Security

By | July 7, 2023

The Holy Quran Burnings: Assessing the Security Implications and Government Response

Sweden’s Justice Minister, Gunnar Strommer, has expressed concerns over recent incidents involving the desecration of the Holy Quran and other religious texts. In light of the damage caused to the country’s security, the government is now contemplating the possibility of making such acts illegal.

Holy Quran Burning Incident Sparks Outrage

During the celebration of Eid ul Adha, an individual who migrated from Iraq to Sweden ignited a fire, deliberately burning pages of the Holy Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm. This appalling act has triggered widespread condemnation, not only within Sweden but also across the Muslim world. Even Pope Francis expressed his disapproval of the incident.

Swedish Security Services Alarmed by the Impact

The Swedish Security Services promptly responded to the incident, highlighting the potential risks it poses to the nation’s safety. By engaging in actions that incite religious tensions and provoke outrage, individuals who commit such acts are, in effect, endangering the security of Sweden.

Police Rejections and Legal Controversy

In an attempt to prevent further incidents and maintain public order, the police have rejected several applications for protests involving the burning of the Holy Quran. However, Swedish courts have subsequently overturned these decisions, asserting that such actions fall within the realm of protected speech under the country’s extensive freedom of expression laws.

Reevaluating the Legislative Framework

Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer, in an interview with Aftonbladet, acknowledged the need to reassess the current legal framework governing such acts of desecration. The government recognizes the potential implications for national security and is actively considering whether amendments to the legislation are warranted.

“We must critically evaluate the existing order and determine if it is truly beneficial or if there are valid reasons to reconsider,” expressed the justice minister.

Heightened Security Risks and Prioritized Threats

Strommer further emphasized that Sweden has become a “prioritized target” for attacks. The recent incident of Quran burning has only exacerbated the threats to the nation’s internal security. Addressing these concerns is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and well-being of Swedish citizens.

Impact on Sweden’s NATO Aspirations

In addition to the security ramifications, the desecration of the Holy Quran has had adverse effects on Sweden’s pursuit of NATO membership. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has stated that his country cannot ratify Sweden’s application until the burnings of the Holy Quran cease. This highlights the significance of resolving the issue not only for internal security reasons but also for international relations.


The desecration of religious texts, such as the Holy Quran, has raised serious concerns regarding the security of Sweden. Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer has acknowledged the need to reevaluate the existing legislation surrounding such acts, emphasizing the potential risks they pose to national security. With the incident tarnishing Sweden’s reputation and impacting its bid to join NATO, finding a balanced approach that respects freedom of expression while addressing security concerns becomes crucial. It is imperative for the government to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens while also upholding its commitment to religious freedom and international relations.

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